必威平台官网首页Labconco Fume Hood Airflow Demonstration
必威平台官网首页Labconco Protector Fume Hoods include the XStream, the most energy-efficient ducted fume hood design, as well as other high performance ducted fume hoods in our Premier and XL lines.This video demonstrates the airflow and safety features of all our Protector Fume Hood models.
必威平台官网首页Labconco's Airflow Test Lab
必威平台官网首页This video shows how Labconco's airflow test lab is used to demonstrate the exclusive containment ability of our ventilated enclosures.
Chemical Fume Hood Installation
必威平台官网首页This video shows how to install a Labconco Protector Fume Hood.This video features a Protector XStream Fume Hood, and most installations are similar.
How the I-S Fume Hood Saves Energy
This animation shows how the Protector I-S works with a laboratory air supply's pressure differential switch to save energy.When the sash is lowered, blower speed is automatically reduced to conserve the room's tempered air.
Fume Hood Installation
必威平台官网首页Learn about the proper installation of a Labconco fume hood, including product inspection, removal from packaging, set up and service fixture and electrical connections.
High Efficiency Fume Hood Airflow Demonstrations
See airflow demonstrations using smoke to show some of the innovative and highly effective features that make the Protector XStream® the most effective containing fume hood.Watch the airfoil sill, upper dilution air supply, sash handle and sash track direct air into the fume hood's baffles without causing dangerous, containment disrupting turbulence.