Laboratory Glassware Washers
必威平台官网首页Labconco'slaboratory glassware washersoffer specialized features that cater to the unique demands oflaboratory glassware cleaning, providing superior cleaning and convenience.The vibrant 5-inch touchscreen display of the CleanWorks™ Operating System provides intuitive controls to create and save up to 200 customizable wash programs, making ourlab washersefficient for all users.Currently, we offer three types ofglassware washers:
- SteamScrubber Glassware Washersfor general glassware
- FlaskScrubber Glassware Washersfor narrow-neck glassware
- FlaskScrubber Vantage Series Glassware Washerswith advanced features for contamination-sensitive research or manufacturing
With ourglassware washers, you can trust that yourglasswarewill be cleaned consistently every time.If you require anautomatic glassware washer必威平台官网首页for your laboratory, Labconco has you covered.