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Filtered PCR Enclosures provide Class 5 air

With the increase in demand for PCR, repeat testing is not an option.必威平台官网首页Labconco'sPurifier® Filtered PCR Enclosuresprovide a controlled environment to perform polymerase chain reactions.

The Purifier Filtered PCR Enclosures minimize the risk of cross contamination by producing an ISO Class 5 work area and utilizing a UV light to denature potentially contaminating DNA or RNA.

A contaminant-free environment is critical for PCR testing, to ensure the purity of DNA samples.A pure sample means less repeat testing, fewer lost hours spent in the lab, more sample throughput, and higher testing efficiency.

ISO Class 5 air is constantly projected vertically down over the work area in a laminar flow pattern.

During operation, the ISO Class 5 air is created when room air is drawn through a pre-filter and a 99.99% efficient HEPA filter.This positive pressured HEPA-filtered air prevents contaminants from entering the work area and provides a particulate-free environment.

The UV light provides secondary decontamination between PCR tests by irradiating the work area and any equipment that is left in the enclosure.A digital timer provides UV light exposure continuously or in user-selected increments of 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 240 minutes.

Bi-fold doors close the sash opening while the UV light is on to contain the UV rays and prevent contaminants from entering the work area, keeping the enclosure ready for the next experiment.An airflow monitor is optional.

The Purifier Filtered PCR Enclosures are available in 2-, 3- and 4-foot widths.必威平台官网首页Labconco also offersPurifier Horizontal Clean Benchesthat direct HEPA-filtered air horizontally over the work area andPurifier Vertical Clean Benchesthat direct HEPA-filtered air down over the work area.

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